"Avalon" Historico-Geographical Society is always open for new people. We need extraodinary persons, interested in travels and explorations, people, who care about environment problems and historical heritage protection. Every member of Society has the possibility to participate in our projects. New ideas are always welcomed and appreciated.
Application form (you should fill in the application and deliver it using one of the ways described in it).
A person, who wishes to join, should read the following papers:
Members privileges
The Charter of the Society (in Russian and Kazakh only).
Membership in the Society stipulates a membership fee, which makes 6000 tenge per person annually.
The membership fee should be paid:
- in cash at "Avalon" headquarters;
- transfered to the Kaspi Gold card (phone number +77052510508). You should mention in the message to the receiver your name and the year, which you pay your fee for;
- via Halyk QR. You should mention in the message to the receiver your name and the year, which you pay your fee for.

- transfered to the account 410012081124049 in YooMoney system (payment in Russian rubles according to the current exchange rate, which is 922 roubles at the moment). You should inform us about the transfer made or mention in transfer details your name and the year, which you pay your fee for;
- transfered to the account in PayPal (payment in US dollars according to the current exchange rate, which is 14 dollars at the moment)
Support interesting expeditionary projects!
Support cycling Karaganda!
Support ecological tourism development!
Contribute to historical heritage protection and environment conservation!
Join "Avalon"!