Avalon Historico-Geographical Society
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Content of guide-book

Chapter 1. COMMON INFORMATION (here we replace some data of geography, history, ecology, political structure, religion, population, flora and fauna, as well as lots of other various information about Kazakhstan).

Chapter 2. INFORMATION FOR A TRAVELLER (the chapter will contain the real information a tourist needs, beginning with the instruction for getting entry visas, the way for moving across the country and its customs laws and finishing with description of being in the country, including dwelling, eating, communication, souvenirs and purchases, ex-change etc).

Chapter 3. MOVING ACROSS THE COUNTRY (the chapter will include the necessary information for getting into Kazakhstan, and for moving across the country, and it will have some parts concerning the railways, roads, airlines, traffic, bicycling and travelling on foot. The information is supplied with the necessary maps and sketches).

Chapters 4-12. REGIONS (every chapter includes the data of a region history, its sightseeing and routs, city orientation, traffic, hotels and other places for dwelling, eating, entertainments, the museums and air agencies, internet cafe, various shops, organizations and different interesting places).

Chapters 13-18. THEMATIC CHAPTERS (here we will include the information about the resources of Kazakhstan in such spheres as hinting, fishing, trekking, mountaineering, parachuting, para-gliding).

Appendix 1. A phrase-book English – Kazakh – Russian.
Appendix 2. Translation of the main names, signs etc.
Appendix 3. National cuisines, some recipes.

The edition of the guide-book is 5,000 copies. The book volume is 600 pages.

© 'AVALON' HGS PA, 2005-2023
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