Avalon Historico-Geographical Society and Public Foundation congratulate everybody on forthcoming year 2012 ...>
On December 8, 2011 Kazakhstani premiere of the “Baikonur” movie, shot by the German film director Veit Helmer, took place in Almaty. More about it - here.
Avalon HGS informs its friends and partners about postponement of the cycling expedition "The Jade Gate" for the spring 2012.
Last week in Germany on the Channel 1 of the German television – ARD – was shown the second series of the documentary film “Due east: from Berlin to Vladivostok”, which had been shot in summer 2010 with the help of “Nomadic Travel Kazakhstan” travel agency, Karaganda EcoMuseum and Avalon Public Foundation. Read about it here.
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society and Public Foundation congratulate everybody on Christmas and forthcoming 2011 year ...>
From November 29 through December 4, 2010 a series of training workshops on ecological tourism was held in Taldysai village (Ulytau district) in the framework of the GEF/UNDP Small grants programme project "Ecotourism in Central Kazakhstan: conservation of the PA Natural resources and creation of Economic opportunities in the rural areas". Read about it here.
17.11.2010 ã.
The magazine-guide “Discovery Tajikistan” and the fourth edition of “Discovery Kazakhstan” magazine guide were recently presented to the touring public in London in the framework of WTM-2010, the international travel fair.
28.08.2010 ã.
The international conference on "Ecotourism in Kazakhstan", held in Karaganda on 26-27 August 2010, marked the beginning of the GEF/UNDP Small Grants Programme project "Ecotourism in Central Kazakhstan: conservation of the PA Natural Resources and Creation of Economic Opportunities in the Rural Areas", implemented by Avalon Public Foundation. Read more about the event here.
07.08.2010 ã.
Watch interview of Yelena Kim and Alexandr Yermolyonok for Karaganda television concerning cycling movement development in Karaganda ...>
Cycling expedition “To the center of Kazakh land” came to a full stop. The details are available here.
Avalon Historico-geographical Society is 6 years old! We congratulate all our friends!
Special issue of “Discovery Kazakhstan ” magazine-guidebook in German language, containing materials on ecoutourism in Kazakhstan , came off the press. The magazine was published due to financial support from the Embassy of Germany in Kazakhstan .
Yesterday, on June 6th of 2010, in Karaganda already for the third time the cycling festival "Karaganda-VeloCity", dated for the celebration of the World Environment Day, was held. Details on this event are available here.
The third issue of “Discovery Kazakhstan” magazine-guidebook was presented to the public attention at the biggest international tourist fair worldwide ITB-2010, that was held in Berlin last week. Details about the event are available here.
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society and Avalon Public Foundation congratulate everybody on forthcoming 2010 year ...>
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society is already 5 years old! Our congratulations on this anniversary to ourselves, all our friends, colleagues, partners and associates! More … >
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society congratulates everybody on forthcoming 2009 year ...>
The travel story about the last year expedition to Gorno-Badakhshan 'On This Side of Pyandj' is available now at our site. Read and enjoy.
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society begins supporting travelling groups and individuals in Central Kazakhstan. We can organize for you any trip you like at any theme and in any place. For more details see here.
Yesterday Avalon HGS has finished working on the fourth version of the electronic guidebook about Kazakhstan – ‘Avalon Kazakhstan eBook'. The new edition contains more interesting and useful information about our country and a lot of recent photos. You can buy Avalon Kazakhstan eBook v1.4e right now.
At the 8th Kazakhstan International Tourism & Travel fair "Tourism and travel" (KITF-2008), held in Almaty between April 24 and 26, 2008, presentation of the first number of the "Discovery Kazakhstan" magazine took place. For more details see here.
In August 2007 two members of the "Avalon" Historico-Geographical Society Oxana Shuptar (Kazakhstan) and Michael Kamper (Germany) traveled around Western Europe. Having refused from group tours and guides, with only backpacks within a month they managed to visit a lot of interesting places of Germany, Holland, Belgium, France and Austria. Now you can get acquainted with some materials, concerning this journey, at our website.
Today we open a new section in the English version of our site - 'Roads', where we are going to publish travel stories. All persons interested can send us their stories and see their works in the Internet. Among other things we are going to publish here such works of Avalon HGS members, which are not connected with expeditionary projects of the Society. The new section of our site is opened with the collection of travel stories about Kazakhstan.
Some articles and photographs from the 'Avalon Kazakhstan eBook ' electronic guide-book had been released at the 21st and 22nd issues of the Discovery Central Asia magazine. You can look at them here.
Avalon Historico-Geographical Society has finished working on the second version of the electronic guidebook to Kazakhstan – ‘Avalon Kazakhstan eBook'. The new edition contains more interesting and useful information about our country and a lot of recent photos. You may buy Avalon Kazakhstan eBook v1.2e right now.
The articles , narrating about our last expedition to China had been published in some more magazines.
26 .05.2007
Everyone interprets this world from his own point of view. Being what we are we decided to interpret it from the geographical point of view. That is why new section of the site – ‘Collections’ is dedicated to what can be grouped by geographical features, be it bank notes or coins, beer caps or props, stamps or telephone cards. Today we offer you the first ‘exhibits’ of our collection, which are to help you discover something useful and interesting about Kazakhstan.
1 5 .04.2007
Now our visitors can download for free at our website desktop wallpapers. We have used the photos of Kazakhstani nature and sights in their design.
Dear visitors, welcome to the English section of our site devoted to history, geography and traveling.
Presently the site of Avalon Historico-Geographical Society gives you the chance to get acquainted with the materials of our expeditions in Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and China and get knowledge of the electronic guide-book Avalon Kazakhstan eBook created by the Society, as well as to read about the future projects of the Society including the expedition ‘China-Southwest 2007’ and ‘The Bronze Ring of Saryarka’ archaeological route.
We are always open for extraordinary suggestions and new people. E-mail us and this perhaps will lay the foundation for our long and interesting relationship.